Cook Medical store medical devices in Kardex Shuttle XP's

   02 Aug 2013

Automate installed Kardex devices for storage of finished goods for Quarantine

Cook Medical have been manufacturing high-tech medical devices in Limerick since 1976,  employing over 600 people.

Their most recent success is a drug eluding stent called a Zilver, the world's first such product. 

It is easy to damage and requires large amounts of shelving to store. After production it needs to be quarantined while testing is carried out.

To meet this storage requirement Cook built an extension onto the side of the existing production building, and installed 2 large Kardex Shuttle XP's. 

These storage Shuttles are 12 m high and were specified originally with 4900 storage locations.

Shuttle 1 receives the product from production onto trays into quarantine.

Upon release the batch of product is transferred to Shuttle 2 awaiting dispatch.

Minimal manual handling as all done beside production area.